It begins as the love story of two teenagers, in an aquatic planet, Earth's first space colony. But repeated accidents force Earth to suspend travels until the causes are found out. A hundred years pass without any communication with Earth.
That's the background for a very successful (eleven albums and ongoing, elected best bande dessinée of 2000) "fantastic and humanistic epic", written and drawn by LEO (Luís Eduardo de Oliveira).
LEO, Brazilian born, had to leave his job as an engineer because of political problems during the dictatorship (64-85). He started doing illustrations for a living, until he decided to be a comic artist and left for France in 1980.
Now, he considers himself French, he doesn't have any plans to come back to Brazil, and he has no idea of what's going on in the Brazilian comics market.
I recommend browsing through the bestiary in the official website, it's amazing.
Noticeably, the also beautiful animations in the website have been made by also brazilian Caetano Brasil.
Sources: Mundo HQ and Les Mondes d'Aldebaran