Monday, April 25, 2011

Latveria Free! part VIII

(form here)

@sapao318: When you look at Victor, it's because he tore up your head and is looking at you in the eyes.

@JEBosombra: Latverians say: 'Doom had his bots squeeze our balls unless we smiled!' 

@IgorTavern: Batman tries to invade Latveria and ends up headless. Ozzy Osbourne is the main suspect.

@msoares: Charlie Sheen makes a video supporting Victor Von Doom and says the dictator has tiger blood like himself."

About this time, spammers start to show up.

"@HufflepuffBR: Doctor Doom is supposedly looking for a mystic black-covered book.

@BozoDel: FREE LATVERIA with the purchase of Latveria of equal or greater value.

@TitoCamello: Captain Planet sends support message to the Latverian people: 'THE POWER IS YOURS!'

@IgorTavern: 'No, I have the power!' He-Man, contradicting Captain Planet."

Too bad some of the jokes weren't translatable... I had to distort some, too.

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